列出所有列表的所有组合(list of all combination from multiple lists)

Guess language of text using ZIP

dcy posted @ 2010年5月04日 08:26 in Python with tags python , 3143 阅读

# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
import zlib

class Entropy:

    def __init__(self):
        self.entro = []

    def register(self, name, corpus):
        register a text as corpus for a language or author.
        <name> may also be a function or whatever you need
        to handle the result.
        corpus = str(corpus)
        ziplen = len(zlib.compress(corpus))
        self.entro.append((name, corpus, ziplen))

    def guess(self, part):
        <part> is a text that will be compared with the registered
        corpora and the function will return what you defined as
        <name> in the registration process.
        what = None
        diff = 0
        part = str(part)
        for name, corpus, ziplen in self.entro:
            nz = len(zlib.compress(corpus + part)) - ziplen
            # print name, nz, ziplen, nz-ziplen, (1.0 * (nz-ziplen)) / len(part)
            if diff==0 or nz<diff:
                what = name
            diff = nz
        return what

if __name__=="__main__":

    # Very basic example

    e = Entropy()

    # Create corpus

    If you ever wrote a large shell script, you probably know this feeling:
    you'd love to add yet another feature, but it's already so slow, and so
    big, and so complicated; or the feature involves a system call or other
    function that is only accessible from C ...Usually the problem at hand
    isn't serious enough to warrant rewriting the script in C; perhaps the
    problem requires variable-length strings or other data types (like sorted
    lists of file names) that are easy in the shell but lots of work to
    implement in C, or perhaps you're not sufficiently familiar with C.

    Über spirito (http://www.spirito.de) Die spirito GmbH mit Sitz in Duisburg
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    Software für Content Management, Groupware, E-Learning und Online Shops.
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    Anwendung unserer Software soll Leichtigkeit vermitteln, Freude, Witz und
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    unserer Produkte an Ihre Wünsche besonders leicht. Schließlich sollen es
    auch diejenigen, die nachher damit arbeiten müssen besonders leicht haben.
    Die schweren und die langweiligen Dinge wollen wir so weit wie möglich der
    Software überlassen ...

    # Test some probes

    print "DEUTSCH", e.guess("""
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    print "ENGLISH", e.guess("""
    Now that you are all excited about Python, you'll want to examine
    it in some more detail. Since the best way to learn a language is
    using it, you are invited here to do so.

The trick here is that zip compresses better if content is very similar. If you have a big corpus of e.g. an english text and you append some text probes an english text probe will result in a better compression than a probe in an other language.



这是一个hack的做法,语料库压缩后, corpus原信息就放在zip压缩数据内了。
再来一段比较文本part, 如果能压缩进刚才的压缩包,使得压缩包增加的长度最小,就说明这段文本里面的单词命中到了语料库,是最大匹配




宁波网站建设 说:
2010年8月25日 23:18


Alyssa 说:
2022年12月14日 17:36

In order to guess the language of a text using ZIP, you would need to look at the distribution of letters in the text. languages ​​have different letter frequencies, so by looking at the real estate services Raleigh distribution of letters in a text, you can get a general idea of ​​which language it is written in. For example, if a text has a lot of letters that are not commonly used in English, then it is likely that the text is in a different language.

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